The Asuryani (“Children of Asuryan” in the Aeldari Lexicon), also called Craftworld Aeldari as they were named before the fall of their lost realm, or the Eldar as they were long known to outsiders, are an ancient humanoid alien species whose vast empire once extended the width and breadth of the known galaxy. The Asuryani are a kindred of the Aeldari race who now live on vast, city-like starships called Craftworlds.
The Aeldari Empire was without equal, and they counted themselves masters of the stars. But over ten millennia ago, the Aeldari’s overweening pride and their fall into hedonistic practices led to a cataclysm that all but eradicated their kind and led to the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh.
Despite their boundless power, the heart of their civilisation was torn out by this catastrophe of their own making, forcing many of the surviving Aeldari, now calling themselves “Eldar” to outsiders and “Asuryani” among themselves, to flee upon gigantic, continent-size starships once used for commerce and trade that they named Craftworlds. Now the Asuryani cling to survival by a thread, fighting the horrors of the galaxy with ritualised mental discipline and consummate martial skill.
The Asuryani rely on mystical technologies like psychocrystalline Spirit Stones and the psychoactive wraithbone Infinity Circuits that comprise the skeletons of their Craftworlds to store their souls after death and prevent their consumption by Slaanesh.